Land of the Brave

Roger Williams

Colonial America - Land of the Brave

Short Biography about Roger Williams
This article contains a short biography and fast facts and information about the early American colonist, Roger Williams. Who was Roger Williams and why was he famous? Roger Williams was famous as a leader of the Rhode Island Colony. Roger Williams (1603 - 1683) was a Puritan dissident and theologian who left England to migrate to the New World.

He was a supporter of religious freedom and the separation of church and state. In 1636 his strong views clashed with those of John Winthrop, the governor of Massachusetts who banished him from the strictly Puritan colony.

Roger Williams fled the Massachusetts Colony and established a colony for religious dissidents, which later became the state of Rhode Island. Rhode Island earned the nickname of 'Rogue Island' due to its mixture of settlers from all religious backgrounds.

Roger Williams was famous as the leader and founder of the Rhode Island Colony as a colony for religious dissidents

When was Roger Williams born? He was born on December 21, 1603

Where was Roger Williams born? He was born in Smithfield, London, England.

His parents were James and Alice Williams. His father was a tailor.

Roger Williams was a bright child and became apprenticed to a famous lawyer names Sir Edward Coke. Sir Edward Coke became his patron providing the means for Roger to receive a good education at Charterhouse and also at Pembroke College, Cambridge

Whist Roger Williams was studying at Cambridge he became a Puritan.

After finishing his studies Roger became the chaplain to a wealthy Puritan, Sir William Macham.

Roger Williams married Mary Barnard (1609–76) on December 15, 1629 - they had six children together all of whom were born in America.

Roger and Mary Williams decided to leave England for the New World and arrived at Boston in the colony of Massachusetts on February 5, 1631

Roger Williams believed in religious freedom, and the separation of church and state. Puritans such as John Winthrop believed in a government and society tied to the church.

Roger Williams refused to work in the Boston Church, instead he went to the Plymouth Colony and eventually on to join the Salem church

In 1635, he was banished from Massachusetts for his teachings and went to Rhode Island, where he founded Providence. In keeping with his beliefs. Jews and Quakers later settled in Rhode Island.

Despite their differences, during the Pequot War, Roger Williams gave considerable help to the Massachusetts colony in his negotiations with the Narragansett Indians.

He wanted to set up a democratic land association and in 1643 he went to England to secure a charter for Providence

William Coddington had received a land grant from England which split the colony. In 1652 Williams returned to England and got Coddington's land title annulled.

Roger Williams united the colony and served as its president

Anne Hutchinson and her followers left Boston in 1638 and joined the settlement that had been established by Roger Williams at Providence, Rhode Island

Roger Williams died on April 1, 1683 in Providence

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