Land of the Brave

Paul Revere

Paul Revere

Colonial America - Paul Revere

Short Biography about Paul Revere

Paul Revere was an American Patriot based in Boston who played a major role in the organization known as the Sons of Liberty. He was a silversmith and copper engraver. He used these skills to produce prints of famous events, such as the Boston Massacre. He was one of the .

He was immortalized in the poem “The Paul Revere’s Ride” by Henry W. Longfellow. A political activist he participated in the Boston Tea Party. This article contains a short biography and over 30 fast facts and information about Paul Revere. Who was Paul Revere and why was he famous?

Paul Revere was born on January 1, 1735

His place of birth was Boston, Massachusetts

His father was called Apollos Rivoire (1702-1754), who was born in Riaucaud, France. He Anglicized his name to Paul Revere shortly after he immigrated to America

His mother was Deborah Hitchbourn, who was born January 25, 1704, died May 23, 1777

Paul Revere was descended from a Huguenot family who had fled the French Inquisition

His father was a silversmith and copper engraver and Paul followed in the family business. His silver shop produced more than 5000 items

Paul Revere had seven siblings

Education: Paul Revere was educated at North Grammar School in Boston

Paul Revere married his first wife Sarah Orne on August 4, 1757 who died May 3, 1773. They had eight children together

Paul Revere married his second wife Rachel Walker on October 10, 1773. Paul and Rachel also had 8 children

Paul Revere was definitely a family man - he went on to have 51 grandchildren!

Paul Revere was related by marriage to Abraham Lincoln, whose father was a cousin of two of Revere’s sons-in-law.

Paul Revere was a member of the Masonic Lodge of St. Andrew through which he made many friends and connections with the most influential men in Boston.

Paul Revere became a political activist in the opposition to the Sugar Act in 1764, the Stamp Act of 1765 and the Townshend Acts of 1767.

His business interests included manufacturing church bells and copper engraving. After the Revolutionary War he opened the first copper mill in the United States.

Paul Revere fought during the Seven Years War, also called the French Indian War and served as a lieutenant in an artillery regiment

Paul Revere played a prominent role in the events following the Boston Massacre in 1770. His main political allies were Samuel Adams and John Adams

Paul Revere actively participated in the work of 'Sons of Liberty' under the guidance of Dr. Joseph Warren

Paul Revere organized an intelligence and alarm system, called the 'Mechanics' to keep watch over the British forces and warn leaders of the Sons of Liberty of any threats

Paul Revere was a talented man who had many skills including designing, engraving, printing, bell founding and dentistry

Paul Revere create a number of political engravings which were well publicized and served as political propaganda

The Boston Massacre: Paul Revere first began selling his color prints of his engraving of "The Bloody Massacre perpetrated in King Street" in Boston (see the picture below)

Paul Revere employed Christian Remick to colorize the "The Bloody Massacre perpetrated in King Street" print

December 16, 1773: The Boston Tea Party - Massachusetts patriots dressed as Mohawk Indians protested against the British Tea Act

Paul Revere participated in the Boston Tea Party dressed as a Mohawk Indian.

In 1774, Paul Revere began serving as courier for the Massachusetts Committee of Correspondence. During this time he submitted the Suffolk County Resolves that rejected the Intolerable Acts and called upon Americans to prepare for a British attack.

The midnight ride of Paul Revere: April 18/19, 1775. Revere, along with two other messengers were sent to warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams of the movements of the British Army. Along the way he risked himself by warning other patriots

The British soldiers (Redcoats) who captured Paul Revere freed him as they had to hurry towards the Lexington Meeting-house after hearing gunfire. Refer to the Battle of Lexington and the Battle of Concord

“The Paul Revere’s Ride” by Henry W. Longfellow is a poem written about the historic journey.

In Longfellow's poem he has Paul Revere riding into Concord at "two by the village clock". Revere himself claims to have never made it to Concord as he was captured by British troops.

April 1776: Paul Revere became the Major of infantry of Massachusetts

Paul Revere designed the first seal for the united colonies and designed and printed the first Continental bond issue

Paul Revere died of natural causes at his home on Charter Street in Boston, on May 10, 1818 aged 83

Paul Revere was buried at Granary Burial Grounds, Boston 

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