Land of the Brave

Sons of Liberty

Colonial America - Land of the Brave

Definition of the Sons of Liberty
The Meaning and Definition of the Sons of Liberty: The Sons of Liberty were a secret, underground organization that was founded in Boston by Samuel Adams and John Hancock in July 1765. The Sons of Liberty were opposed to the and their membership spread to a number of colonial towns.

Purpose of the Sons of Liberty
The Purpose of the Sons of Liberty The objective and purpose of the Sons of Liberty was to force all of the British stamp agents to resign and also stop many American merchants from ordering British trade goods. Its members were American patriots, many of whom were hot-headed and were not adverse to the use of violence and intimidation.

Sons of Liberty - the Stamp Act
The Stamp Act was a direct British tax in the form of a stamp required on all newspapers and legal or commercial documents. Contracts, licences, diplomas, calendars, pamphlets and even playing cards required a stamp. Basically anything printed on paper, except books, was taxed.

The Sons of Liberty
There were many workers associations, or fraternal organizations, that provided fellowship for craftsmen (artisans), apprentices, and common laborers in Boston. There was often conflict between these organisations as every trade had its own agenda. The Stamp Act effected every single person, regardless of their trade, wealth or standing in the community. The taxes levied by the Stamp Act were not to regulate commerce and trade, but to directly grasp money out of colonists. Samuel Adams, a prominent Boston Patriot and political activist, persuaded these organizations to stop fighting amongst themselves and unite in opposition to the Stamp Act. The members of this united brotherhood became known as the Sons of Liberty. 

The Aims and Objectives of the Sons of Liberty
The initial aims and objectives of the Sons of Liberty were to prevent collection of the stamp tax, to enforce the (agreements by merchants not to purchase British goods) and to stimulate a consciousness of colonial grievances against British rule. The Sons of Liberty organisation continued to oppose British rule for as long as it lasted. Outwardly, the Sons of Liberty proclaimed their unfaltering loyalty and allegiance to King George III of Great Britain and emphasized their support of the English Constitution, their issues were with the British Parliament, not the king. Others held more radical views but initially the idea of revolution was not held by the majority of Sons of Liberty. As events unfolded the more conservative members of the Sons of Liberty adopted the radical views.  The working class people despised the 'lame' protests of the elite colonists - they favored more extreme measures...

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