Land of the Brave

Hernando de Soto Facts

Hernando de Soto Explorer

Hernando de Soto Explorer

Facts about Hernando de Soto

The following Fact File contains fast information about the life of Hernando de Soto.

Interesting facts and an overview and description of the life and times and his involvement in the Exploration and the discovery of the New World leading to the colonization of America.

Fact 1: Why was Hernando de Soto famous and what part of America did he explore? Hernando de Soto explored the southeastern United States from Tampa Bay to South Carolina and was the first European to cross the Mississippi River. His explorations also took him to Peru, the land of the Incas

Fact 2: When was Hernando de Soto born? He was born c.1500

Fact 3: What was his country of origin and where was Hernando de Soto born? He was born at Villanueva de la Serena, Badajoz, Spain

Fact 4: Hernando de Soto came from a middle class Spanish family

Fact 5: At just 14 years of age he left home on a voyage to the Indies in 1514

Fact 6: Hernando de Soto enjoyed the experience of life at sea and in 1519 he joined another expedition to the New World heading for Panama in South America where Spanish colonies had already been established.

Fact 7: The next expedition in 1524 took him to Nicaragua, South America, with Francisco de Cordoba, where they both participated in the lucrative slave trade.

Fact 8: The next voyage he undertook was with an expedition to Peru led by Francisco Pizarro

Fact 9: The expedition to Peru started in January 1531 with three ships and over 200 men

Fact 10: On November 15, 1532 Pizarro and the expedition reached Cajamarca and captured Atahuallpa, the emperor of the Inca people. Thousands of Incas were killed and the fantastic treasure of the Incas was stolen

Fact 11: On 6 January 6, 1535 Pizarro founded Lima in Peru

Fact 12: Hernando de Soto took his half of the Inca treasure and became a very wealthy man. He returned to Spain 1536 and settled in Seville

Fact 13: In 1537 he married Ines de Bobadilla the youngest daughter of Pedrarias Davila (Pedrarias Davila had been instrumental in the downfall of Vasco Nunez de Balboa in 1519)

Fact 14: His reputation as an explorer had reached the attention of the Spanish King who granted him the rights to conquer Florida

Fact 15: 1538 April 6, 1538: The Hernando De Soto expedition left Sanlucar, Spain for the New World and Florida. the expedition consisted of 10 ships, 950 soldiers and 10 priests to convert the Native Indians to Christianity

Fact 16: The expedition first landed at Cuba where they prepared for the send part of their voyage to Florida.

Fact 17: Between 1538 and 1542 Hernando de Soto explored Florida.

Fact 18: His frantic search for silver, gold or other riches led him to make the most brutal attacks on the Native Indians of Florida.

Fact 19: Hernando de Soto explored the areas from Tampa Bay to South Carolina

Fact 20: He was the first European to cross the Mississippi River.

Fact 21: May 21, 1542: Hernando de Soto contracted a fever and died on May 21, 1542

Fact 22: Hernando de Soto was buried on the banks of the Mississippi River

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