Land of the Brave

Battle of Charleston

Colonial America - Land of the Brave

Battle of Charleston

Battle of Charleston Definition: The Battle of Charleston was a military conflict between the Kingdom of Great Britain and its thirteen colonies in North America during the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783). The year and date that the Battle of Charleston took place on Wednesday, March 29, 1780. The battlefield in which the British and American Forces fought during the Battle of Charleston was located in Charleston, South Carolina. The Siege of Charleston ended in victory for the British. 

Overview and Summary of the Battle of Charleston
The British commander Sir Henry Clinton could not conquer the Northern colonies with the forces given him. However, in the South there were many loyalists and resistance to the British Resistance was not so strong. The British forces under the command of Sir Henry Clinton therefore decided to attempt the conquest of the South. Savannah was easily seized  and the French and Americans failed to retake it in the . In the spring of 1780, Sir Henry Clinton, with a large army, landed on the coast between Savannah and Charleston. He marched overland to Charleston and besieged it from the land side. The Americans held out for a long time but on May 12, 1780, Benjamin Lincoln unconditionally surrendered Charleston and 4650 Continental soldiers to Clinton. It was the greatest loss of manpower and equipment of the war for the Americans and gave the British nearly complete control of the Southern colonies. Sir Henry Clinton then sailed back to New York, and left to Lord Cornwallis the further conquest of the Carolinas. The Battle of Camden followed.

The Importance and Significance of the Battle of Charleston
Significance of the Battle of Charleston: The significance of the conflict was that the British gained control of South and the Americans lost many soldiers due to the surrender.

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