Land of the Brave

Thomas Hutchinson

Colonial America - Land of the Brave

Short Biography about Thomas Hutchinson

In 1769 Thomas Hutchinson (1711 - 1790) was appointed as the royal governor.

Thomas Hutchinson was educated at Harvard and had served in various public offices for over 30 years including representative, councillor, chief justice and lieutenant-governor.

Hutchinson therefore possessed a wealth of experience in the affairs of the colony and the New England provinces.

Thomas Hutchinson and the Boston Massacre

Thomas Hutchinson was a wealthy prominent Loyalist politician in Massachusetts, a royalist and one of the King's Men.

His Boston mansion had been ransacked in 1765 during protests against the , damaging his collection of materials on early Massachusetts history.

He was completely opposed to the Patriots believing that resistance to the Crown, the legitimate government, was morally wrong.

He advised Great Britain, often in secret, on the affairs of the colony and the port of Boston.

His recommendations to the British government had included altering the charters of the New England provinces, the dismemberment of Massachusetts, the establishment of the military stronghold in Boston and the the stationing of a British fleet in its harbor.

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