Land of the Brave

Taxes in the Colonies

Colonial America - Land of the Brave

Taxes in the Colonies
Taxes in the Colonies article covers the time in early American history up to the American Revolution and the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The colonists were becoming increasingly incensed by the demands made and taxes required by Great Britain, the sovereign state. Taxes in the Colonies had become a major issue.

Taxes in the Colonies
The Taxes in the Colonies which caused so much anger and resentment were:

  • The Navigation Acts (1651,1660 & 1663)
  • The Plantation Duty Act (1673)

  • The Sugar Act (1764)
  • The Stamp Act (1765)
  • The Townshend Acts (1767)
  • The Tea Act (1773)

Taxes in the Colonies - Rebellion & Insurrection
Taxes in the Colonies sparked rebellions & insurrection including:

  • Bacon's Rebellion
  • Culpeper’s Rebellion
  • Leisler's Rebellion
  • Insurrection - the Sons of Liberty
  • The Boston Tea Party
  • The American Revolutionary War