Land of the Brave

Colonial Connecticut

Colonial America - Land of the Brave

Colonial Connecticut
The following fact file on Colonial Connecticut provides a fast overview of important facts relating to the history, founding and establishment of Colonial Connecticut:

  • Name: The name of Colonial Connecticut was taken from a Native American phrase meaning “river whose water is driven by tides or winds.”
  • Date Founded: The Colony was founded in 1636 by and other colonists, at Hartford

  • Location: Colonial Connecticut was one of the original 13 English colonies located on the Atlantic coast of North America
  • Region: The 13 colonies were divided into three geographic regions consisting of the New England, Middle and Southern colonies. The Connecticut Colony was classified as one of the New England Colonies
  • Geography & Climate: Mountains, trees, rivers but poor rocky soil that was difficult to farm and unsuitable for crops. Mild, short summers and long, cold winters
  • Colonial Connecticut becomes a state: Connecticut was the 5th of the original 13 colonies to become a state on January 9, 1788

Life in Colonial Connecticut - Economy, Trade, Industries and Jobs
The way of life in Colonial Connecticut was determined by religion, wealth, status and how colonists could make a living. The majority of the workforce in Colonial Connecticut consisted of manual workers, servants, apprentices, sailors, hired hands and semi-skilled tradesmen. These were colonists of the lower class could not vote nor hold public office. few owned property and most were illiterate. The lower classes were bolstered by Indentured Servants and some slaves. The Middle class citizens of Colonial Connecticut could vote but few held public office. They ran stores or small businesses, were skilled tradesmen or belonged to professions. The Upper class consisted of wealthy and well educated minor aristocrats who could vote and held high public office. The economy of Colonial Connecticut was based on manufacture  and industries such as ship building and the manufacture and export of rum. The way of life focussed on town life. The names of the major towns in Colonial Connecticut were Hartford and New Haven. In towns along the coast, the colonists made their living fishing, whaling, shipbuilding and shipping. The economy of other parts of Colonial Connecticut was based on timber products, the fur trade, maple syrup, copper, livestock products, horses, rum, whiskey and beer.

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