Land of the Brave

Revolutionary Timeline

Colonial America - Land of the Brave

Revolutionary Timeline
The Revolutionary Timeline covers the time in early American history from 1607 to 1784 known as the American War of Independence. During the period of time covered in the Revolutionary Timeline the colonists and settlers arrived from Europe looking for religious freedom, land and the opportunity for wealth.

The British were looking to make money from the 13 colonies. The newcomers were governed by the laws of the British who held dominion over the American colonies, which inevitably led to dissension, anger and rebellion in Colonial America refer to .

England adopts the policy of Mercantilism. The mercantile system, was based on the benefits of profitable trading in which the flow of raw materials from the colonies profited England who turned them into finished goods

The Triangular Trade routes become established.

The Slave Plantations were established during this period

1651,1660 & 1663 Navigation Acts were designed to regulate colonial trade

The Tariff of 1661 imposed a series of duties on the importation of goods to Britain

Navigation Act of 1663 (the Staple Act)

The Navigation Act of 1673 (Plantation Duty Act). Plantations trade exclusively with England and to redirect revenue to England

1675 Lords of Trade.The Lords of Trade were appointed in England to enforce the new mercantile system and maximize potential profits for England

Bacon's Rebellion. Nathaniel Bacon rebelled against a corrupt Governor, low prices for tobacco and high taxes that were believed to be unjust

Culpeper’s Rebellion. Rebellion against the Colonial Government in Carolina and the Navigation Acts led by John Culpeper

Sir Edmund Andros appointed Governor in Chief of New England. King James II appoints Sir Edmund Andros who causes dissension with the colonists as he did not have to answer to any elected assembly

French and Indian Wars
1688 - 1763 The French and Indian Wars start between France and Great Britain for lands in North America

Glorious Revolution. February 1689: The Protestant William III and Mary II officially replace the Catholic James II as monarchs of England

Bill of Rights. The English Bill of Rights enables Parliament to control laws and taxes in the Colonies in America

Leisler's Rebellion. Jacob Leisler (1640-1691) was a German immigrant who led the insurrection against local colonial officials from 1689 to 1691 in colonial New York

Salutary neglect
English policy of Salutary Neglect adopted to avoid the strict enforcement of parliamentary laws in Colonial America giving the colonies considerable freedom in economic matters.

Board of Trade. The English government established the Board of Trade to oversee colonial policies.

Wool Act. Parliament passes the Wool Act, which prohibits the export of American made cloth from its colony of origin.

United Kingdom of Great Britain is created. The Union between England and Scotland created the 'United Kingdom of Great Britain' and the term British, as opposed to English, is then used in reference to the colonists in North America.

Hat Act. Parliament passes the preventing the trade of American-made hats - for additional facts and info see the Beaver Wars

Debt Recovery Act. The Act declared land and slaves to be the equivalent of property for the purpose of satisfying debts owed by colonists.

Navigation Act of 1733 (the Molasses Act). Navigation Act of 1733, also known as the Molasses Act levied heavy taxes on sugar

Iron Act. The Act was designed to restrict the manufacturing activities in the colonies

Albany Congress, 1754. June19 - July 11: Benjamin Franklin proposed a plan of union but it was rejected by both the British and Americans

French and Indian War (Seven years War) ends. February 10, 1763: The Peace Treaty of Paris 1783 ends the French and Indian War in North America. The British left with a massive war debt. The British look for ways of imposing new taxes in the colonies.

English Policy of Salutary Neglect ends. The British are left with a massive war debt and start to enforce the laws of the Navigations Acts and looked for ways of imposing new taxes in the colonies

Proclamation of 1763. October 7, 1763: The introduction of a massive boundary to separate white settlements from Indian country

Sugar Act. April 5: Law setting a tax on sugar and molasses imported into the colonies impacting the manufacture of rum in New England.

Boston Boycotts
August 1764, Merchants, and the women of Boston, begin a boycott of British goods especially clothing such as satins, lace and ruffles

Currency Act. September 1 1764: Series of Laws that regulated paper money issued by the colonies - also refer to Colonial, Continental and Revolutionary Currency

Stamp Act of 1765. March 22, 1765: Taxes imposed on legal papers, newspapers and pamphlets. Vehement opposition by the Colonies resulted in the repeal of the act in 1766 - also refer to the Sugar Act and Stamp Act

Quartering Act of 1765. March 24, 1765: The first of a series of Laws requiring the provision of housing, food and drink to British troops in the American colonies

 Patrick Henry
May 29: "If this be treason, make the most of it!" speech

Virginia Stamp Act Resolutions. May 30: Virginia Stamp Act Resolutions

Reaction to the Stamp Act

Summer of 1765: Violent reactions leading to the Stamp Act Riots

Stamp Act Congress

October 7-25: Declaration of the Rights and Grievances of the Colonists

Declaratory Act
March 18: Declaratory Act passed asserting the British right to make laws binding on the colonies

Repeal of the Stamp Act
Repeal of the Stamp Act is approved by the House of Commons in February 1766

 Revenue Act
The Sugar Act was repealed and replaced with the Revenue Act of 1766, which reduced the tax on molasses imports.

Townshend Acts
June 29: Series of Laws placing duties on items imported by the colonists including glass, lead, paints, paper and tea

Boston Nonimportation Agreement
(Boycott of British goods)

August 1: Merchants in Boston and New York boycott British goods until the Townshend Acts are repealed

English warships
October 1: English warships sail into Boston Harbor leaving two regiments of English troops to keep order

George Washington
May: George Mason writes resolutions presented by George Washington to the Virginia House of Burgesses opposing taxation without representation

Boston Massacre March 5: 5 civilians killed by British soldiers

Repeal of the Townshend Acts. April: Repeal of the Townshend Acts and the Quartering Act

Battle of Alamance
May 16, 1771: Battle of Alamance in protest against taxation and corrupt local government

The Gaspee Affair
June 9: The HMS Gaspee runs aground and is looted by colonists

Committee of Correspondence
November 1772: Samuel Adams organized the first Committee of Correspondence at Boston, Massachusetts

Tea Act
May 10: Law allowing the British East India Company to sell its low-cost tea directly to the colonies, undermining colonial tea merchants

The Boston Tea Party
December 16: Massachusetts patriots dressed as Mohawk Indians protested against the British Tea Act

Intolerable Acts
(Coercive Acts)
The Intolerable Acts were a reprisal to the Boston Tea party rebellion. A package of five laws aimed at restoring British authority in its colonies

Boston Port Act
March 31, 1774 - The Boston Port Act

Government Act

May 20, 1774 The Massachusetts Government Act
Administration of Justice Act
May 20, 1774 The Administration of Justice Act
Quartering Act
June 2, 1774 - The Quartering Act
Quebec Act
June 22, 1774 - The Quebec Act
First Continental Congress
September 5 - October 26: First Continental Congress

Continental Association
The Continental Association was created by the Continental Congress in 1774 in response to the Coercive Acts, or 'Intolerable Acts'. The Articles of Association were were adopted on October 20, 1774.

Patrick Henry
Give me Liberty Speech
March 23, 1775 - Patrick Henry delivered his famous speech "Give me liberty or give me death!"

Paul Revere
April 18: General Gage orders British soldiers to destroy the colonists weapons depot in Concord. Paul Revere leaves Boston to warn colonists

George Washington
Continental Army
June 15: George Washington appointed general and commander-in-chief of the new Continental Army

Battle of Bunker Hill
June 17: Battle of Bunker Hill

Taking Up Arms

July 6 1775: Declaration on the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms stating that Americans are "resolved to die free men rather than live as slaves."

Declaration of Independence
1776 July 4. Thomas Jefferson presents the United States Declaration of Independence

Terms British Surrender
October 17: American victory at Yorktown terms discussed for the British surrender.

Parliament votes against war
February 27: English Parliament votes against further war in America

Peace talks
April 12: Paris Peace talks begin

Final Battle
November 10: The final battle of the Revolutionary War

End to Hostilities
February 4: England officially declares an end to hostilities in America

Treaty of Paris (1783)
September 3: The Treaty of Paris is signed by the United States and Great Britain

American Revolutionary
War ends
January 14: The Treaty of Paris is ratified by Congress and the American Revolutionary War officially ends.

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